After switching roles to Awesome Inc, a business that provides education for coding, workspace for startups and website and app development in Kentucky, Evans felt like she had truly found her role. “As a woman in business, coming from the construction industry, walking into such an empowering community has been a breath of fresh air,” she said.
Evans now isn’t the only woman at the table for meetings. Awesome Inc has a strong female workforce and they are using the latest technology to help their clients. “Our office space is powered by Kinetic,” Evans said. “We are a tech company and for us to have low-quality WiFi is just not an option.”
As more and more women are joining the industry, Evan says she can see the momentum. “Women still have a steep road ahead, but I  think the world of startups, and tech is an industry that has momentum. Let’s keep pushing, let’s keep breaking ceilings,” Evans said. With services like reliable WiFi, Evans has found Kinetic Business to be a true technology provider partner.
Though Evans admits the industry is far from perfect, she said that she’s encouraged by what she’s seeing. “Representation matters so deeply; for us to see the youngest female CEO take her company public –with a baby on her hip– and to see the first female, first black, and first Asian-American Vice President, it’s a powerful time in history. We need to shout these stories from the rooftops and celebrate the momentum so the next generation knows without a doubt that they can be whatever they set out to be.”
Evans and companies like Awesome Inc are helping pave the way for that next generation and helping make sure that women are represented in the tech industry, but Evans encourages women to keep striding forward. “It takes courage, patience, grace, and strength to work, and hope toward a diverse workforce,” Evans said. “We also can’t do it alone- find your allies, hold them close, and take ownership of the steps you can take to move the needle forward in your circle of influence. We have to take responsibility for our future as women because no one else is going to do it for us.”
Kinetic Business is a proud partner of Awesome Inc and a supporter of women in business making a difference. Tune in to our video here to learn more about Awesome Inc and their commitment to women in tech.